BLOG ยป Flower of the Month: Hydrangea
Flower of the Month: Hydrangea
Summer is the height of Hydrangea season and, right now, our office is overflowing with these stunning flowers in preperation for Debevoise and Plimpton's dinner reception at Guastavino's.
Aren't they gorgeous?
Want to know more?
Family: Hydrangeacaea
Common Names: Hydrangea, Hortensia
Description: Hydrangeas are native to southern and eastern Asia (particularly China, Japan and Korea) and North and South Ameirica and bloom in early spring to late autumn. Hydrangeas come in various shapes and sizes: they range from shrubs to small trees and round flowerheads (image a cheerleader's pom-pom) to round, flat flowerheads.
Popular Uses: Hydrangeas are known as ornamental plants- great for decorating your home. In Japan, the flower is used to create an herbal tea called ama-cha, or "sweet tea," which is mainly used in a ceremony to celebrate Buddha's birthday (April 8th in Japan) where the tea is poured over a statue of Buddha in and then served to those in attendance. In Asia, it's not always necessary to say "I love you"; just send a loved one a bouquet of pink Hydrangeas to tell them, "You are the beat of my heart" (Keep this in mind for your upcoming anniversary!).