It has been a wonderful summer at L’Atelier Rouge. We’ve been keeping busy the past few months, which is why the blog has been quiet. Our team has sought inspiration all around the world: Caroline traveled to Catargena, Takaya to Sardinia, and Alex ventured to the far-flung shores of Fire Island.
One of the most exciting projects in the works has been our website redesign, which will be going live within the week (!!!) With the incredible people at Masquespacio we have completely reinvented our page. As much as we love the watercolor and cursive that has defined our online presence since 2010, we were inspired by our new space to create a concept that further distinguishes us from the other floral design studios speckling Manhattan.
In June we hosted an amazing photographer, Alicia Swedenborg, who shot beautiful images of our studio, designs, and, remarkably, fairly presentable team portraits.
I’ll leave you with a little teaser of what’s to come: our new logo and a picture of the whole team at L’Atelier Rouge.
(top row) Nestor, Ji-Soo, Mariano, Alex, Jorge
(seated) Takaya, Caroline