We love to use lavender in bouquets of all sorts, and to grow it in our garden. It’s rich purple color is universally adored, but this is not just any flower. Like many botanicals, the marriage of lavender with luxurious home and body products is one made in heaven. Making prominent appearances in soaps, lotions, candles, perfumes, and oils world wide, it is not limited to topical use or decoration. Lavender is also an ingredient in all kinds of edibles. Due to the fact that smell plays a large part in taste, in the kitchen lavender has proved itself to be a relevant presence. As a matter of fact, lavender and sugar are quite the exquisite pair. With it’s fresh aroma, lavender entices the senses. As an edible, it is unusually pleasing to the palate. Fresh or dried, lavender petals may be infused into all kinds of things. Some would say that it is the most versatile flower that ever was. Just look at what it can do!
Lavender sugar and butterLavender breadsLavender ice creamsLavender Kombucha and flavored syrupLavender seasoned chicken and potatoesLavender popsicles and marshmallowsLavender panna cotta and cheesecake
Lavender truffles and chocolatesLavender caramels and syrup
Lavender cocktails and champagneLavender madeleines and macaronsLavender cupcakes and cake ballsLavender lemonade and iced teaLavender lolly popsChoward’s Violet lavender candies and Les Anis de Flavigny violet lavender candies
Lavender scones and shortbread
The lavender possibilities are endless.
by Bernadette Lords